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Slide 13: Rose of Sharon Cassidy I


Slide 13: Rose of Sharon Cassidy I


Narrated by Rose of Sharon Cassidy 


Rose of Sharon Cassidy died as her caravan died - in an unmarked grave, another victim of the Mojave.


Have Cass die as a companion or killed by the Van Graffs during Birds of a Feather.

 条件:卡斯作为一个队友时死亡,或者在Birds of a Feather中被范·格拉夫杀死

Despite the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, Cass lived for 30 more years. She made her way back West and passed away in a small shack outside of Vault City, the rose pendant still around her neck.


Acquire Cass as a companion then incite her to leave the Mojave and travel back west.


The slaughter of the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan caused no end of trouble for NCR back West. Already struggling, NCR's supply lines suffered further as the two caravans withdrew support until the "massacre in the East" was resolved.


Complete Heartache by the Number by killing Gloria Van Graff and Alice McLafferty.

 条件,完成Heartache by the Number,屠掉格洛里娅·范·格拉夫和爱丽丝·麦克拉菲特

In the years following the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, NCR used evidence of the plot to blackmail the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs. NCR enacted strict trade laws with little resistance, strengthening their supply lines and their position in the Mojave.


Complete Heartache by the Number by exposing the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan to the NCR authorities.

条件,完成Heartache by the Number,将范·格拉夫和赤红商队阴谋的证据交给新加州共和国政府。

Both the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty were removed from their post in the East. During their trek West, however, their caravan was wiped out by raiders using advanced weaponry and military tactics. No cargo was taken. When questioned, the Gun Runners denied any involvement, claiming they would have no... public motivation for such an attack.


Steal the Gunrunner's Manufacutring specifications in You Can Depend on Me, and get ending #4. This ending is added onto and comes right after that one.

 条件:在任务You Can Depend on Me中窃取军火贩子的制造表格,并完成上一结局所需的条件,该结局将在上一结局后出现。