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1 魔法门:十字军Crusaders of Might and Magic
3鬼神之门:醉梦余生Ghosts And Gods 2
5鬼神之门:天涯何处Ghosts And Gods
6鬼泣5DmC: Devil May Cry
7鬼武者3Onimusha 3:Demon Seige
8鬼影镇Shade: Wrath of Angels
9 鬼屋魔影5:濒死调查Alone in the Dark: Near Death Investigation
10 鬼屋魔影4:新的梦魇Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare
11 鬼屋魔影3:西部风云录Alone in the Dark 3
12 鬼屋魔影1Alone in the Dark
14 钢铁雄狮3Armored Fist 3
15 钢铁雄心1Hearts of Iron
16 过山车大亨:极限翻转RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes
17 过山车大亨:快乐天地RollerCoaster Tycoon: Corkscrew Follies
18 过山车大亨3RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
19格林机枪Gatling Gears
20 新蜀山剑侠
21 怪怪水族箱Insaniquarium Deluxe
22工人物语6:帝国崛起Settlers: Rise of an Empire
23 工人物语5国王的遗产Settlers 5 Heritage of Kings
24孤岛惊魂4Far Cry 4
25孤岛惊魂3:血龙Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
26Xbox360 孤岛惊魂3Far Cry 3
27 孤岛惊魂1Far Cry
28Xbox360 孤岛危机3Crysis 3
29孤岛危机2Crysis 2
30 孤岛危机Crysis
33 哥特王朝:救世军Gothic
34 哥特王朝2:乌鸦之夜Gothic 2 Addon: Night of the Raven
35古龙群侠传QunXiaChuan cologne,The
36 古墓丽影:黑暗天使Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
37古墓丽影:纪念版Tomb Raider: Anniversary
38古墓丽影9Tomb Raider
39 古墓丽影3:失落的神器Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact
40古墓丽影2:西安匕首Tomb Raider 2: The Dagger of Xian
41古墓丽影2黄金版:黄金面具Tomb Raider 2 Gold: The Golden Mask
42 古墓丽影Tomb Raider
43 古墓丽影Tomb Raider
44 功夫皇帝:方世玉Kung Fu Emperor Fang Chinese
45 光晕Halo